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We're Collecting Unofficial Results

It's official: we're collecting unofficial precinct results for the first time for the November 2020 general election.

We don't usually do this, but the unusual circumstances of voting during a pandemic and the shift to absentee ballots provides a unique opportunity to see election administration process at work. So we'll be collecting unofficial precinct results for a number of states, focusing on those that do not offer centralized results reporting.

That means some states that will play crucial roles in the 2020 election, including Pennsylvania, Florida and Texas. We'll also be collecting from states like California, Iowa, Utah and New York, too. As always, we'll be making what we collect publicly available.

Here's how you can help: we're looking for people who can check county websites beginning late on Tuesday, November 3, and early on Wednesday, November 4. We're not going to be contacting election officials directly during this time; they've got important work to do and we can follow-up with them later. If you can help, let us know at and we'll get you started.